My life, thoughts, and random craziness.
Published on July 14, 2004 By Wolfgang Snider In Music
This is really belated. I should have posted about this much sooner but lately I've been finding myself getting caught up in other things. Either that or I just forget about this thing. Anyway, I saw Rush last month on there recent tour and I thought I would share. Man what a show! I will never forget that night as the crowd moved into the venue and the band started up. I couldn't believe I was actually there. For those who are planning to see them I'll try not to spoil you with the setlist etc.. But I will say this, they pulled out some awesome tunes. Particularly a few that haven't been played in a while. I was a smidgen bit disappointed with the latter first set, but I was blown away by the second! Anyway, as I stated in my Canada Rocks topic a while back I've only been listening to Rush for about a year or so. I'm also pretty young and look even younger. A few people were surprised to see me moving around and singing a long to almost every song. Especially the guy who was next to me. He said to me "What are you doing listening to Rush for? There retro." I replied with "I guess I'm just different." Later this guy started getting really drunk (I swear his buddy kept getting him more beer after every other song) and at one point he started to get really excited. Something happened and he managed to spill some of his beer on the left side of my pants. Man, beer smells so nasty. Infact that was the main beverage there. It was either that or water. Or Pepsi. But I refuse to drink that satanic stuff. And the crowd was really interesting. A little depressing though. It seems that most Rush fans are white guys in there mid thirties who either never got married or could never drag there wives to a show. I wish I had seen more younger people there. But getting back on topic now. The guys really sounded great that night and I could tell Geddy was having a lot of fun. I think I noticed a few goofs but they ARE humans to you know. It was still just an awesome show through and through. I'm amazed that there all in there early fifties now, and yet they can still play there music like they could so long ago. Not only that but play for almost 3 hours! Wow! Hope I get to see them again soon.
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