Wow, it's been a while since my last update. Well, we had a farewell party for Mike a few weeks ago. It was a lot of fun. He will be missed. A lot of stuff going on in my life right now. Not like my last few updates. I'm now officially a High School Graduate so now I have a lot of things to get done. First I need to get everything ready for collage schoolwork. I'm planning to enroll in a music school ( and start taking on-line courses. Not too sure when I'll be able t...
So, it's June once again. And just like last year, it gets hot here fast. Not to mention that our AC doesn't work right. It's been so hot in the house. Everytime I wake up I've been covered in sweat. Things have been gross and uncomfortable. I've been forced to take showers everyday now. Which is not a bad thing in the least, but It breaks my cycle of showering every other day. All this has changed though. We went out and picked up two AC units last night. One for the living room and another ...
Hello everyone. It's been quite a while hasn't it. For a period of time I actually forgot about this thing, but here I am. I have to share a few things that have been going on. First the bad. A friend of mine is up in the hospital with staff infection and he has a 51% chance of living. Last time I heard though he was starting to do a little better. Not too sure what caused the infection but I'll probably find out pretty soon. Now on to the good. And by good I mean Really Good. Michael is fin...
Hello everyone, it's certainly been some time since my last entry. I should really get on this thing more often but for some reason It's hard to bring myself to do so. Anyway, this article is supposed to be about the recent hurricane so I'll get on with it. Two weeks ago I was offered a job to do yard work with my step grandfather. The hurricane had just come through the night before so there was a lot of work to be done. I wasn't too sure if I would take the job at first though. I kind of l...